Tuesday, April 5, 2011

My Family

I have the best family in the world. They are fun, crazy, and awesome! I love my family more than anything in the world. So that you can get to know my amazing family, I decided to tell you a bit about them. Earlier this week, my sister told me a quote that explains my family. I love this quote! It says: "In a family, there are lots of notes. Some are high, and some are low, but it is always a beautiful song." That quote is amazing. I find myself looking back at it when I am having a hard time. It had really changed my perspective!

Now I will tell you about my family. My dad, Ryan, is amazing. He works at Kirton and McConkie law office. He is a funny guy (although my mom would disagree) and a hard worker. He has taught me a lot of what I know when it comes to hard work and never giving up. He loves to quote movies and play Mario Kart with us kids! What a great dad! Oh yeah! He's a good looking guy!

Next is my mom, Jen. My mom is a stay at home mom who take care of us kids! She's pretty lucky to have such an amazing, cool, and modest daughter to take care of! She has many talents, including quoting movies at exactly the right time, giving just the right amount of discipline, and never loosing reasons to love us. She has taught me how to love everyone I meet. She is truly an amazing person. She is also very pretty. We went to the zoo yesterday and about a million people told her she looked very nice! Jealousy! Anyway, she is a great example. I love my mom!


My sister Lauren is also a great example to me. She is nice, popular, a great cook, stylish, and a perfectionist. She is always concerned if she look okay, and she always looks BEAUTIFUL! She has lots of friends and is always seeing who needs help and then helps them. She is good at setting goals. Lauren is trying to finish her Personal Progress at amazing speed, considering she just got it. We may fight sometimes, but Lauren means the world to me and I wouldn't trade that for anything. Here's my gorgeous sister.

Next would be Braiden. Braiden is a spirited, fun soul. He enjoys being random and playing with his friends. He likes to be the comedian, and we often find ourselves laughing at his jokes. He is the one in our family who will make us laugh. Braiden likes to play the wii and play with legos. He likes treats and my life wouldn't be complete without my brother Braiden. Here he is in a suit. Isn't he adorable? Alright, I'll stop, but you know it's true.

Last, but not least, is my brother Ethan. Ethan is a funny kid! He enjoys playing the wii and eating treats. He loves his brother. They are the best of pals. Ethan is liking kindergarton and is so excited to start reading. Sometimes we might get frusterated with him, but he is all of our "baby." He is very popular with his friends and family. Ethan is a one-of-a-kind boy.

So there is my family. We are all very crazy and loveable. I would never be able to survive without my family and I love them so much. They help me a lot in my life. My family really makes a beautiful song.

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